Sunday, March 27, 2011

Take Action

"Do more than belong: participate. Do more than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. Do more than be fair: be kind. Do more than forgive: forget. Do more than dream: work." -- William Arthur Ward

It's been kind of an "off" week. Just been kinda down, unmotivated, and overwhelmed with life as a whole. In staying true to my goal to journal at least once a week, here I sit. While trying to come up with a subject to write about, I received an email, which included the above quote. It speaks volumes!

Do more than belong: participate...
Everybody wants to belong, but for many of us, it's difficult to participate. In some instances, it's best not to participate, but I can think of times in my life when I've stepped outside of my comfort zone to be a part of something, and I'm a better person for it. I can also think of times when I've allowed the introvert to sit back and watch, and I know without a doubt, I've missed out on opportunities as a result. In order to grow, we must first plant the seeds. Give yourself permission to dig deep, plant those seeds, feed your soul, and watch yourself blossom!

Do more than care: help...
The subject of service seems to be popping up a lot lately, reasons to serve, opportunities to serve, promptings to serve. I've always enjoyed serving others, it puts a smile on my face. Lately, I've found myself wanting to reach out and help but have been too consumed and exhausted with my own life to follow through. Not that I never serve, but I don't always accept the opportunities presented to me. Time for an attitude change, as I know I'll be blessed if I choose to serve. I think we are blessed with a natural instinct to serve, but over the years it has become supressed...within ourselves and within our society. We need to be the change we want to see in the world. Choose to help someone everyday, even if it's just a simple smile.

Do more than believe, practice...
This is an area I truly need to work on. I grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Though this doesn't only apply to religion or spirituality, I believe it is the root of all things (no matter your faith or beliefs). I've always had a simple faith, a feeling within me that certain things are true. I believe in God, our Eternal Father and in His son, Jesus Christ. I believe there is a Heaven, life after death, Eternal Families. I believe that life is a gift, and we each have a purpose. I believe that God gave his only begotten Son, so that we may live again. I believe a lot of things. BUT, there are many things I don't fully understand. That's where practice comes in. We are blessed with so many resources in this world today. I've attempted a number of times to read scriptures and to seek a better knowledge, but it's not easy. Though I've never been diagnosed or tested or anything along those lines...I've always struggled with reading comprehension. It's a wonder I made it through school with decent grades, really. I can read just fine, but the information often doesn't "register". This has made it especially difficult for me to study. Luckily, I also believe in the power of prayer. In another post, I included on my bucket list my intention to read the scriptures in their entirety. This has proven to be a difficult task for me, but I know if I pray about it and read with honest intentions, I will be able to understand the things that our Father in Heaven would have me know. Though I've just scratched the surface of this subject, I think I've gotten my point across. We can apply this to all things in life. If we have faith, honest intentions, and are humble enough to seek help, we can accomplish things we never felt possible. We can't just believe something will happen, then sit back and wait. We must take action and practice our beliefs, so that we may progress in this life.

Do more than be fair, be kind:
If you've ever met my Mom, you would know the epitome of kindness. Thankfully, she instilled that in each of us kids. I hope that if nothing else, people believe that I am a kind person. "Fair" is such a trivial word in my opinion. Life doesn't seem to be fair for any of us. Which seems silly, really. If we all think life isn't fair, then that must mean we ALL have trials of some sort. I know I've been guilty of feeling envious of others, people who seem to have the perfect life, yet haven't lived the same "good" life I've lived. I think we've all felt that way in some capacity. What I'm learning, however, is that even those who APPEAR to have everything, also have trials in their lives, oftentimes harder trials than my own. The pure and simple fact that I have faith in a loving Heavenly Father, whom I can seek guidance and comfort from anytime of day or night puts me ahead of a lot of people. I have a wonderful family, we're all healthy, etc. The things that matter most in this life, I have been blessed with. Not everyone is so fortunate. So, be kind. Go above and beyond. Be the light that others are seeking.

Do more than forgive, forget:
If God can forgive us for all of our wrong doings in this life, we can not only forgive but forget instances when someone has hurt us or done a disservice to us. Truth is, if we don't "forget", we are still holding onto negative energy. Negative energy is what drags us all down. Satan thrives on negative energy. Do we really want to give him the opportunity to sneak in? It's not worth our time, it's not worth our energy, it's not worth it period. It's often human nature to be prideful, but we need to remember that we're not seeing the whole picture. People do things for reason, good or bad, it is a part of the journey. We experience things so that we can learn and grow. We must forgive and forget. Forgive others, forgive ourselves, and FORGET the negativity. Fill your glasses full and free yourselves from whatever is dragging you down. Move on, progress, give yourself wings!

Do more than dream, work:
Perfect time for a quote, don't you think? :)

"Keep your dreams alive. Understand that to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe." ~Gail Devers

Anyone who has conquered a dream, knows that it took work, a lot of hard work to get there. Think of all the famous believers. There are many. Our world has been changed because of them. If they hadn't put the work in, our lives may be quite different. Apply this to your own dreams, big or small. Don't be afraid to dream. Even if it requires work, your life will be changed...mostly through the process, but also once your dream is attained. Do it for yourself, but do it also for the world. If we all had faith and belief in ourselves, worked hard, remained determined and dedicated, think of what we could accomplish! With God, all things are possible!

As I've struggled this week, I've also been blessed. I'm not sure what sparked me to finally start this blog, but a weight has been lifted. I've given myself permission to seek not only my purpose in life, but a greater good. I was struggling to fall asleep the other night, and songs from my teenage days kept popping into my head, and they've continued to give me strength throughout the week. I will share some of the lyrics. I hope they give you some light and comfort in your life as well!

Learn of Me...

Learn of Me and listen to My words, Walk in the meakness of My life...
And I shall give you peace, My love will never cease,
For I am Jesus Christ.

I Walk by Faith...

I walk by faith, a daughter of Heavenly Parents.
Divine am I in nature by inheritance.
And someday when God has proven me, I'll see him face to face.
But just for here and now, I walk by faith.


  1. WOW! You have a great gift for writing!

    So much of this I can relate to...SO much! I admire your determination to change the things you want to change :*)

  2. You really do write very eloquently! I too often refer to those songs and sing the words that I so fondly remember singing together as a young women family. :)
