Sunday, March 20, 2011

Living...I mean *really* living!

There was a time in my life when I was actually pretty fun and somewhat adventurous. Somewhere between High School and Motherhood, I kinda let go of that side. Not completely, but I so often allow my every day life and stresses to take control. Truth is, being grown up is a lot less fun than we ever anticipate as children!

I've found that my husband is often telling me to "stop stressing" about everything. Easier said than done for sure, but I think it's fair to say that there's a middle ground. For those of you who know anything about my husband, he is just one of the kids. He told me again today to "stop stressing" and I replied, "then stop giving me so many reasons to stress!" His response to that, "that's never gonna happen." So, I guess I better find some ways to DE-STRESS!

One of the things my best friend and I used to do (keep in mind that we grew up in a pretty small town without much to do) was dress up funny, whether it be crazy hair, crazy makeup, or crazy clothes. One of our staple outfits was a pair of plaid or patterned golf shorts with some wild socks pulled up to our knees. We would go out on the town dressed like that and would just be goofy, without a care in the world what other people thought. I'm sure we were annoying to some, but I think for the most part, people got a kick out of us. We really loved to go bowling.

As I've been thinking a lot about self discovery and "who I am" lately, it made me kinda miss that side of myself. Not sure as a woman in my 30's I could really get away with that all the time, BUT I'm not opposed to a girls night where we all dress up funny and go bowling. Anybody else in?

In my last post, I spoke of a young lady who lost her life WAY too early. On her facebook page, she has a quote that says, "Lauging is good's like jogging on the inside." It's so true! Not only is it good exercise, it's good therapy. I don't do it enough. I think it's super important, so I'm going to make an honest effort to find laughter in everything I do. There is a time and a place to be serious, but I believe there is still some sort of joy in every situation. I'm going to change my focus and make it a point to find that joy. I think it will keep me young(er) and will allow me to return to my roots a bit. It's okay to keep a bit of that child inside of us, right?

My husband and I were talking today about how boring we've become. We really have allowed our daily stresses to drain us, and it really affects our family. The world of technology has really opened my eyes to this in the last year. First off, we watch way too much tv as a family. Our kids play too many video games (especially in the Winter months). AND, I'm always reading on facebook about what fun things other families are doing. We really need to GET A LIFE! A tight budget hinders a lot of extracurricular activities and vacations with the fam, but I was telling Scott (my husband) that if we would stop spending money on video games and toys and other miscellaneous CRAP for the kids, we might actually be able to go on a vacation! We need to stop caring so much about material things and start creating memories for our family.

So, I am going to make a bucket list for myself. Some things might seem trivial, but it's really the little things in life that create the magic we remember later. If y'all would be so kind as to humor me...comment here, send me a message, or comment on facebook. Let me know what some of your families favorite past times are AND list a few of your bucket list items. I'm sure my list will grow, as I haven't put much thought into this yet. I want to challenge myself, though, to stop "hoping" for good things to come my way and instead create the life I see for myself and my family. The mind is a powerful thing. Make today and everyday great!

And just because this quote popped into my head and I didn't really find a good place to include it, I'm gonna do it here. :) "Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine." Another one of my favorites! I can't remember where I got it or who to give credit to, but if I find out, I will post it.

The beginnings of my bucket list (in completely random order):

-Go Bowling in Golf Shorts and High Socks (at least once a year)
*find friends willing to go with me ;)
-Find a tradition for each Holiday and carry it out
-Renew Wedding Vows and hire an AMAZING photographer
-Become an AMAZING photographer
-Return to School
-Compliment myself and my family members on something EVERY DAY
-Re-learn to play the piano (and maybe even flute)
-Travel out of the country (at least once)
-Travel out of state (at least once a year)
-Travel out of town (at least once a week) Haha...
-Write in a journal or blog at least weekly
-Learn to digital scrapbook (since I'm never going to get real scrapbooks completed)
-Read the ENTIRE Bible and Book of Mormon (and possibly some other religious books) without having to restart because I took too long of a break
-Learn how to swim
-Face my fears with confidence
-Find a cause I'm passionate about
-Learn Self Defense
-Learn to dance as if nobody's watching :)
-Learn to Sew and Crochet
-Do one last modeling shoot, just for the beauty of it!
-Love and understand ME and believe I'm beautiful, inside and out.
-Live, I mean REALLY live!

Well that's a start...I'll be adding to my list often, I'm sure. I hope the rest of ya will really share with me! AND live, REALLY live!


  1. I love seeing into your mind with these posts Kelli! But you are not alone, I think being a mother opens our eyes to all the stress that IS out there, competition to be a certain person, have certain things, and I think this is a very good outlet for you (and enjoyable moment for me) to write it all down, see it on "paper" it may help in the destressing of your life!! And let's go running in plaid golf shorts!!! Running has helped me relax, find time for just me:)
    Thanks for the great journal entry once again, I am WAY too private to do it..but seeing your courageous step into the blogging world I MAY do it someday;)

  2. were we separated at birth? of course that would make us FRATERNAL twins :) Our family is basically the same with a game system in every room and a TV in every bedroom. Makes me want to vomit when I think about it. Some days I have an overhwelming desire to run away from it all and start over lol. This time without video games! And for the record, I do not supply the games... My kids play way too many video games and we don't take family vacations. I also want to travel to another country before I die, and pick up the flute and piano again. I want to believe I'm beautiful in ANY way :)

    Love your bucket list. All awesome goals :)

  3. Sweet Kelli!
    I am so impressed that you have been able to post these. You are an amazing girl. You have always been so private, I know how hard it must have been for you to share these feelings. I'm so blessed to be in the small circle you have shared your feelings and your life with. I'm very proud of you and love you so much! Mom

  4. So my bucket list is very similar to yours :)
    and I know we have never really hung out before and dont know each other very well, but I would TOTALLY go bowling dressed a fool. lol
    And…..I can also teach you to dance….its kinda my thing. But its my dark secret non-Mormon dirty guilty pleasure thing. But its fun! haha

  5. We used to go bowling with oven mitts on our hands :)

  6. I'm in for a good bowling night! ...and I wonder how many of us played the flute when we were younger. We could all get together and have a jam session! Thanks for sharing your thoughts--
